I spent a few days in wonder.
In awe of Beauty.
In the center of the face of Glory.
The face of the Beautiful One.
The One who creates.
Who designs.
Who breathes the clouds.
Who paints the colors.
Who stacks the layers.
Places the steps.
Directs the flows.
Shines the sun.
Pours down the rain.
The snow.
The delight and awe.
I spent a few days in the valley. Surrounded by mighty walls, painted with mystery. I gazed upon landscapes too beautiful to capture with words. Stood above the rush of powerful waters and looked down as they crashed below. I walked as the rain poured, as the sun shone, and as the clouds lingered. And beauty surrounded me. The beauty of a wonderful, beautiful Creator. One who delights to create beauty, that would hold man accountable to his Lordship, and awe at. Beauty that was created to be looked at, maybe even purely for the delight and joy it brings. Whatever its purpose... it directed my heart to Christ. Of which all things were created. He is beautiful. And his creation is only a mere fraction of his weightiness ...a slight inkling of his splendor and glory. Of his creativity, and intricacy. One day i will stand before him. Face to face. How i long for that day! That i would see my creator, look him in the eye. Behold his beauty... and count everything else as rubbish in comparison! To that end... Come Lord Jesus Come!