Friday, April 3, 2009

I have heard your stories...

I've heard your stories. Seen where you live. Where you work. The men who hurt you. The people who've sold and bought you. The price tag you are given. I've seen your faces and your eyes have captured me. You story has captivated me. With righteous anger and compassion. I hate the men who hurt you. For you are beautiful daughter a of the King. You are worthy of love... not empty touch and passion. You are worthy of attention... not just as a product. You should be playing on a playground... not in the beds of rich men. You should be learning literature, not picking up a gun and raping other children. You should be honored for your work, paid rightly for you hard work... not enslaved to indebtedness and fear. Freedom... not bondage. Space to live, not chains of fear!
The God of Heaven and Earth looks down with wrath. He hates sin. He is coming back. To restore things. He died, rose again in victory and is returning to restore all things to the way he intended them! One day, he will come and make things new. He will bring judgment and freedom. He promised he would.
Jesus, may your kingdom come here, to earth, as it is in heaven. Use me as an agent in the advancement of it.
Until you give me specifics... increase my longing for heaven. For the day when i will stand eye to eye with you, my King... and enter the joy of my Lord for eternity!
What a beautiful day!