Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Happenin'.

Life that is.
I was having some quiet time yesterday and i realized just how much is going on right now! Truly. Big, life changing things are going down all around me. Friends are getting married, engaged, prego. Sister's having a baby. 21 unit SPring Semester and graduation looms. Summer weddings are creeping up... summer plans are forming. Job applications being sent out. Man... so much is going on!!
Today i mailed off my first job application. Yikes... talk about reality setting in! It's for the Dream Foundation... hoping that one day i could say i "Facilitate Dreams". How awesome would that be!! We'll see where that one takes me... possibly to Santa Barbara! That would be a nicer change in location!
But before that... im sort of planning my summer. So check it out... May 23rd i graduate. Yeah... i'm not going to get into that one. But then June 5th my friend is getting married. In Montana. So im headed out there for that! Which is SUPER exciting. So here's my somewhat plan... buy a jeep. Road-trip to Montana( hopefully with someone... no fun by myself). Celebrate and enjoy time with my sista. And then when she peaces out to enjoy honeymoon bliss... i'll head up to Banff. Rocky mountain/Canadian, single life bliss! : ) Stay there for a few days and then make my way back to california... to start prepin' for Sista Wedding Numero Dos. Where i'll start all over again... minus the road trip and Canadian Bliss.
Then... i guess if my jeep makes it... ill drive it somewhere awesome and climb a mountain or something.

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